Length of Stay in Hospital
Transplant Duration
Recovery Duration
Success Rate

Treatment Details:

Gynecomastia surgery is a procedure that aims to correct or reduce the size of enlarged or excess breast tissues in men or boys. Various factors can cause extra development of breast tissues in males. But the most common cause is an imbalance in two hormones; estrogen and testosterone. This condition can cause men to experience breast pain or discomfort. 

One or even both breasts can be affected. Nowadays, the plastic surgery community has given much attention to Gynecomastia, and people suffering from it now depend on surgical treatment as a permanent solution.

Gynecomastia is measured using grades, and these grades reflect the type of the condition by revealing the number of fatty tissues or excess skin in the male breasts. Below are four different grades of Gynecomastia: 

  • Grade 1. The first grade is when the overgrowth tissue is surrounding the areola — thus the colored area around the nipple. 
  • Grade 2. The excess breast tissue spreads or goes beyond the areola, although not visible.  
  • Grade 3. The breasts have a feminine look, as the overgrown tissue has extended throughout the whole breast area. Other people can even notice. 
  • Grade 4. This is whereby the male’s breast looks exactly like a female’s breasts. The excess tissue is apparent and cannot be hidden.

Ideal Candidates for Gynecomastia

  • Males who have feminine-looking breasts. 
  • Males who wish to boost their self-esteem. 
  • Males are embarrassed to remove their t-shirts in public because of the size of their breasts. 
  • Men and boys whose breasts are painful.
  • Physically healthy males.

Preparation for Gynecomastia Surgery

As with any other surgery, the safety and outcome of the Gynecomastia surgery depend on the patient’s preparation candidness. The Surgeon will carry out the physical examination of the excess breast tissue of the patient before the surgery commences. Depending on the surgery complexity and the Gynecomastia grade, the Surgeon may also order a Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) and a biopsy of the breast tissue. Since Gynecomastia may be a symptom of testicular cancer, the patient may also be required to take a testicular ultrasound test. 

In most cases, surgeons advise patients to break from smoking, taking Aspirin, herbal supplements, and anti-inflammatory drugs. That is done to avoid the risk of bleeding and lengthening the healing or recovery process.

How A Gynecomastia Surgery Is Performed

This procedure is carried out in the Surgeon’s office, at the surgical facility and the average duration of the process is two to three hours. For the patient’s comfort, the Surgeon will administer medication to the patient. General anesthesia and IV sedation are the two options, but it is up to the Surgeon to select the best medicine. Gynecomastia surgery is performed using two techniques, thus Liposuction or Excision. The type of technique used will also depend on the Gynecomastia grade, and at times, these two techniques are used both on the same patient. 

Liposuction Technique: Liposuction also has different techniques to eliminate Gynecomastia. This procedure is performed when Gynecomastia is a result of the enlargement of the fatty tissue. In medicine, this type of Gynecomastia is also known as Pseudo-Gynecomastia. Several tiny incisions are made, and a thin tube (cannula) is inserted to drain off the fatty tissue. During the surgery, the implanted cannula is moved from side to side in a cautious manner to loosen the excess fat from the body. 

Excision Technique: This technique is designed to address Gynecomastia caused by excess or saggy skin. The procedure is performed on those male patients whose nipple or areola has dropped downwards. Excision procedure will therefore reposition the nipple to a standard point. For this to be done, an arc-shaped incision is made close to the nipple, followed by removing unwanted loose skin from below or above the nipple. An arc-shaped incision is not regular. Incision patterns differ from Surgeon to Surgeon.

Gynecomastia Surgery Recovery Timeline

After the surgery, a tiny little tube may be placed to drain any fluids that may collect under the skin. Applying bandages or dressings to incisions will minimize swelling. It’s essential to desist from any physical or vigorous activities for three weeks as they may disrupt the healing process. Although many men are expected to return to work after 7 to 10 days, the patient is expected to be completely healed after two to three months.

Gynecomastia Surgery Cost in Turkey

Gynecomastia surgery in Turkey is temptingly affordable to most foreign visitors, mainly Europeans and American patients. Foreign medical visitors save from 60 to 70% on their treatment, and they enjoy favorable money exchange rates.  At Luna Clinic, we offer special packages for international patients that covers: transportation, treatment costs, accommodation, etc. – to international patients to relieve them of the hassle of feeling like a foreigner.

Gynecomastia Surgery In Istanbul

There are potential side effects to consider before one goes through Gynecomastia surgery. These side effects include infection, fluid accumulation, poor wound healing, excessive bleeding, scarring, and blood clots. This is why you should make sure that this surgery is performed by a qualified surgeon. Istanbul has plenty of expert surgeons who have experience in treating Gynecomastia.

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