Length of Stay in Hospital
Transplant Duration
Recovery Duration
Success Rate

Treatment Details:

A thigh lift surgery is also known as a rhinoplasty. You can think of it as an invasive cosmetic surgery that aims to eliminate excess skin or fat around the thigh area. The surgery reshapes the thigh area and gives it a new look. People who have a thighplasty usually want to feel more comfortable wearing shorts, swimsuits, and jeans. Some just want the surgery to restore their shapeliness after they have lost weight. 

There are different types of rhinoplasty – the most common ones include: 

  • Inner (medial) thigh lift: This type is performed on patients with saggy skin in their inner thighs. 
  • Mini thigh lift: This type has the least number of incisions. It is usually reserved for patients who want a reshape on the upper inner parts of their thighs. 
  • Outer (bilateral) thigh lift: This type of thighplasty is performed on patients who want the outside portions of their thighs improved. 
  • Vertical thigh lift: This type is suitable for people who have excess skin in different areas of their thighs.
  • Lift with liposuction: This type of thigh lift is recommended if a patient has poor skin elasticity in the area around their thighs.

Ideal Candidates for Thigh Lift

  • People who have a relatively stable weight.
  • People who have too much soft tissue along the inner and outer thigh area
  • Healthy individuals who do not have medical conditions that impair healing or increase the risk of surgery.
  • Nonsmokers.

How to prepare for Thigh Lift

  • Go for lab testing or a medical examination.
  • Take certain meds or alter your current medications.
  • Stop smoking two weeks after and before the operation.
  • Stop drinking alcohol two weeks after and before the operation. 
  • Avoid taking anti-inflammatory drugs and other medicines that may increase bleeding.

How A Thigh Lift Surgery Is Performed

Expect to be given general anesthesia 15 minutes before this surgery commences. Once the anesthesia takes effect, your surgeon will begin to make incisions based on the type of rhinoplasty that’s ideal for you. He or she will start the process of removing both excess skin and fat cells in your thighs. After the surgeon is satisfied with the amount of excess skin and fat cells removed, he will insert sutures to close the patient’s wounds.

On average, you can expect this whole process to take 2 hours. But in some instances, it can take more than that, depending on the amount of excess skin and fat cells removed.  

Thighplasty is an invasive surgery. You will need someone to help you around after the surgery. So, it is better that you bring a family member or a friend.

Thigh Lift Recovery Timeline

Before you are discharged, your surgeon will place dressings on the incisions. This will help ease the swelling. Suppose there’s still blood or fluids coming out from the incisions. Your incision will then insert a tube to help drain it. Your surgeon will let you know when to return and have those items removed. 

Soon after having a thigh lift surgery, no one is expected to go back to work. Instead, patients are expected to have bed rest, avoid physical activities such as running, jumping, and swimming.

Thigh Lift Cost In Turkey

Compared to clinics in countries like the UK, the US, Canada, and Germany, the cost of having a thigh lift in Turkey is relatively low. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality of the procedure is compromised. Turkey has a lower standard of living than the above countries, which means that services such as health are inexpensive. 

International patients who travel to Turkey for a thigh lift procedure can save 60% to 70% of the amount they would have spent in their home countries. At Luna Clinic, we offer special packages – that include transportation, treatment costs, accommodation, etc. – to international patients to relieve them of the hassle of feeling like a foreigner.

Thigh Lift in Istanbul

There are potential side effects to consider before you commit to having a thighplasty. You need to do a background check of the facility you will have the surgery at and the surgeon who will perform the thighplasty. At Luna Clinic, we have a team of surgeons specializing in thighplasty, and they have been performing this surgery for decades. Our surgeons use modern devices when performing this surgery, which always helps patients feel safe and comfortable during the surgery.

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