
Liposuction is among the most common plastic surgeries in the world. By definition, Liposuction is cosmetic surgery undertaken to suck out unwanted body fat from specific areas such as buttocks, arms, chin, ankles, neck, hips, tummy, and thighs. Also known as Lipoplasty or Lipo, this procedure aims at eradicating fat cells that cannot be removed by exercising or dieting. Although the surgery is mainly performed for cosmetic purposes, scientists agree that the Lipo procedure can help out cancer patients who have breast reconstruction. To male patients, this procedure can effectively treat gynecomastia. 

Remarkable advancements had been made to this procedure since its introduction three decades ago. Nowadays, various types and techniques of Lipoplasty are being used to conduct this fat removal surgery, and the results attained are usually astonishing. Although they are several different types, “Traditional technique” and the “Laser and Ultrasound-assisted Lipoplasty” are the two most common. Every Liposuction type carries its pros and cons, and the primary difference between them lies in the technology used. Despite being considered one of the most cosmetic surgeries to improve body shape, this procedure can never be regarded as a treatment for weight loss or obesity.

Ideal Candidates for Liposuction

  • Adults with good muscle tone and elastic skin. 
  • Individuals who is in good healthy condition. 
  • Nonsmokers. 
  • People with excess fat deposits in body areas such as the chin, thigh, and love handles. 
  • People with the right expectations.

How to Prepare for A Liposuction In Turkey

Preparations play a pivotal role in any surgery. Below is a list of what your surgeon may ask you to do in preparation for the surgery: 

  • Medical examination by doing specific tests at the lab 
  • Stop smoking few hours before the surgery
  • Alter your present medications — abstain from anti-inflammatory drugs and aspirin as these can increase the risk of bleeding.

How A Liposuction Surgery Is Performed

No matter which type of Liposuction procedure is performed, it is carried out under general anesthetic or sedation. That is done to numb the targeted area of excess fat and decrease the risk of contamination. The whole operation only requires 2 to 3 hours. Below are the two techniques you can expect during a Liposuction surgery; 

  • Laser and Ultrasound-Assisted Liposuction: This technique uses the Laser and Ultrasound heat energy to split and dissolve the fatty tissue in the body, making it melt. Once melted, it becomes pretty easy for surgeons to drain out the melted excess fat.  
  • Traditional Liposuction: This technique utilizes a hollow tube to help remove the unwanted fat. Small incisions are made in the region where there are fatty tissues, and a tube (known as a cannula) is injected into the region to drain the fats. Usually, one incision is made, but when the Liposuction is done on the stomach, more incisions will be made.  

Liposuction Surgery Recovery Timeline

Recovery after Liposuction is usually quick, especially when the surgery was performed by an expert surgeon. One thing about expert surgeons, they know how to minimalize infections and scarring. Patients are usually prescribed mild painkillers and antibiotics, in case, they feel discomfort after the surgery. And they will be given compression bandages to minimize bruising and swelling after the surgery. The compression bandage is usually worn for a month. You can take off the bandage when showering – your surgeon will give you guidelines on how to do it. Patients are advised to return to work in 5 to 14 days after the surgery, but the physicality of their job can also determine this.

Liposuction Cost in Turkey

International patients who travel to Turkey for Liposuction can save 60% to 70% of the amount they would have spent in their home countries. At Luna Clinic, we offer special packages – that include transportation, treatment costs, accommodation – to international patients to relieve them of the hassle of feeling like a foreigner. 

Patients with unwanted excess fat can benefit from the Liposuction methods carried out in Turkey. Due to the high number of plastic surgeries in the country, the Liposuction price in Turkey costs less than in other countries. Every month, thousands and thousands of medical visitors travel to this eastern European country to achieve their cosmetics goals.

Liposuction Surgery in Istanbul

Liposuction surgery in Istanbul can help medical visitors save up to 40 to 60 percent as they are considerably cheap compared to other countries. Understandably, foreign travel may be very intimidating to many people. However, with the help of Luna Clinic, this experience can resemble a vacation with comprehensive packages consisting of airport pickups, accommodation, exotic meal plans, and surgical care.

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