Length of Stay in Hospital
Session Duration
1.5 TO 3 HOURS
Recovery Duration
Success Rate
90% TO 95.9%

Treatment Details:

Rhinoplasty Surgery is also known as a nose job in the medical community. It is a cosmetic procedure designed to change the nose’s appearance in shape and size. 

The first Rhinoplasty surgery was performed in ancient Egypt (3,000 B.C.) and India (500 B.C.). Over the years, this procedure has evolved with new technological advancements making it more simple, safe, and comfortable for patients. The surgery is no longer reserved for the rich and wealthy as it has become reasonably inexpensive. 

Rhinoplasty surgery in Turkey costs less as compared to other European countries. It is because of this reason that Turkey welcomes 1000s and 1000s of foreign medical visitors annually. Another reason is the state-of-the-art surgical facilities and a considerable number of expert surgeons performing the procedure in the country. Patients are guaranteed successful life-changing results in most instances.

Ideal Candidates for Rhinoplasty Surgery

  • People whose facial growth is complete. 
  • Physically healthy people. 
  • Nonsmokers. 
  • Individuals with realistic expectations. 
  • People who are not happy with the current appearance of their nose. 
  • People who need to correct the deformity of their nose.

Preparation for a Rhinoplasty Surgery?

As with other surgeries, patients should do the following when preparing for a Rhinoplasty: 

  • Abstain from smoking two weeks before and after the surgery. 
  • Avoid medication such as Aspirin, Vitamin E, Ibuprofen, and anti-inflammatory drugs. 
  • Stop taking alcoholic beverages two weeks before and after the surgery. 
  • It would be best if you didn’t drink or eat anything before the surgery.
  • Increase your protein intake in your diet.

How A Rhinoplasty Surgery Is Performed

To complete the Rhinoplasty surgery, the surgeon takes between one to two hours. If the surgery is complicated or performed because of an injury incurred, it can last for more than 3 hours. Just for their comfortability and to make their face numb, adults are usually given local anesthesia, and the whole procedure is performed while they are conscious. It’s different with minors. They are typically drugged and made unconscious by administering general anesthesia on them. 

Once the patient is numb or made unconscious, the following steps are taken during the Rhinoplasty surgery:

  1. Step 1— Anesthesia. Your surgeon will regulate prescriptions, so you become comfortable during the surgery. Your surgeon will either administer intravenous sedation or general anesthesia. Depending on your situation, your surgeon will help you select the right one. 
  2. Step 2— The incision/cut. There are two ways in which incisions during a Rhinoplasty surgery can be made. The first method includes using a shut technique, where entry points are covered up inside the nose. The second method is known as the open method – it involves making a cut over the columella – this is the limited portion of tissue that divides your nostrils. Once the incisions have been made, your surgeon will delicately raise the skin that covers the nasal bones and ligaments. This will give the surgeon access to start the process of reshaping and restructuring the nose. 
  3. Step 3— Nose structure reshaping. Your surgeon might decrease excessively substantial nose might by evacuating bone or ligament. At times medical procedures of the nose may require the expansion of ligament units. This will require your surgeon to make use of the ligament from the septum. In some instances, your surgeon can use an area of rib ligament or ear. 
  4. Step 4— A deviated septum is corrected. In the case of a septum digression, your surgeon can quickly rectify it, and the projections inside the nose diminished to ensure proper relaxation. 
  5. Step 5— Closing the incision/cut. Your surgeon will begin the process of closing the incision once he or she is satisfied that the nose has been structured in a way that will satisfy the patient. Sometimes the surgeon will make extra cuts in the normal wrinkles of the nostrils to adjust their size.
  6. Step 6— Balance the nose. Soon after closing the incisions, the surgeon will then place a temporary mental splint to generate the desired shape of the nose.

Rhinoplasty Recovery Timeline

Soon after the surgery, the surgeon may place nasal packs inside the patient’s nose to stabilize the septum. The surgeon’s assistance will be monitoring the patient in a recovery room just for a few hours. The nasal packs placed in the nose are self-removed a few days after the surgery. The recovery period is a week-long. Patients are expected to follow the instructions by their surgeon and abstain from swimming, nose-blowing, pulling clothing over their head, resting eyeglasses on the nose, vigorous tooth brushing, facial expressions that require much movement, and running.

Rhinoplasty Cost Surgery in Turkey

The factors that affect the price of rhinoplasty treatment abroad are the hospital’s location, the surgeon’s experience, the technique used, and the type of treatment. To obtain information regarding the cost, you may get in touch with your representative.

CountryEstimated Cost
UK€6000 – €9000
Turkey€2500 – €4000
Australia€8000 – €20,000

Rhinoplasty surgery in Istanbul

Rhinoplasty in Istanbul is a very common procedure. In densely populated areas of Istanbul, you are more likely to bump into a few individuals with bandaged noses – an indication that they just had a Rhinoplasty surgery. At Luna Clinic, we have Rhinoplasty specialists and experts who have experience in performing this surgery. We also make the surgery safe and comfortable for the patient by using modern tools.

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