Length of Stay in Hospital
Transplant Duration
Recovery Duration
Success Rate

Chin Implant Turkey Treatment Details:

Chin implant is also known as chin augmentation or genioplasty. This procedure can be performed along with other facial surgeries such as liposuction of the neck, facelift, neck lift, or rhinoplasty. This surgery helps bring out a defined and distinct jawline. 

Our doctors at Luna Clinic will carefully help you plan the combination of a chin implant other facial procedures to help you get the most natural and desired results.

Occasionally, x-rays may be required to assess further underlining bone structure and to aid in surgical planning. Doctors will carefully review the chin implant or facial implant procedure, or combination of methods, which suit you best. Our doctors will answer all questions that you might have regarding any step of the chin implant process.

Ideal Candidates for Chin Implant in Turkey

  • People with good dentition and normal occlusion.
  • People with a fleshy neck. 
  • People with a recessed chin. 
  • People with squared or pointed noses.
  • People prominent nose.

How to prepare for Chin Implant

  • Abstaining from Aspirin or any blood thinner meds must be done for at least a week before the procedure day. 
  • If you are currently taking any meds, you should inform your hair transplant specialists during your first consultation. 
  • Patients shouldn’t smoke or drink alcohol 24 hours before and after the surgery. 
  • If you have a chronic disease, you should inform the hair transplant specialist.

How A Chin Implant Is Performed

During your chin implant procedure at Luna Clinic, your surgeon will make tiny incisions inside your mouth or beneath your chin.

The chin implant type selected during your pre-surgery consultation will be placed into a small pocket directly in front of the jaw bone by your surgeon. Depending upon a patient’s desired results, your surgeon will select a porous polyethylene chin implant (Medpor chin implant) with a size and shape that fits you well.

 The chin implants, which are made using non-reactive surgical materials, have different sizes and shapes. The chosen implant will be anchored to the bone with a screw. Do not worry about the stitches placed inside the mouth. They will dissolve in two weeks.

Chin Implant Recovery Timeline

After a chin implant surgery, you will stay at the hospital for a night and be discharged the following day. You have to bring a family member or a friend to accompany you and assist you. Do not be alarmed by the swelling and bruising on the lower face and neck after the surgery – it’s expected. It all goes away by day seven or ten after the surgery.

Sutures placed inside the mouth during the surgery are all dissolvable, and any sutures beneath the chin will be removed after five or seven days. Doctors will suggest taking one week off work following a chin implant. But some patients are able to get back to work four or five days after the surgery.

Chin Implant Cost In Turkey

International patients who travel to Turkey for an FUE hair transplant procedure can save 60% to 70% of the amount they would have spent in their home countries. At Luna Clinic, we offer special packages – that include transportation, treatment costs, accommodation, etc. – to international patients to relieve them of the hassle of feeling like a foreigner. 

The average price for Chin Implant in Istanbul, Turkey, in most leading countries may range between $8,000 and $10,000. However, you can receive the same treatment here in Istanbul at around $2,300.

Chin Implant in Istanbul

Compared to clinics in countries like the UK, the US, Canada, and Germany, the cost of having an FUE hair transplant in Turkey is relatively low. But this doesn’t necessarily mean that the quality of the procedure is compromised. Turkey has a common standard of living than the above countries, which means that services such as health are inexpensive.

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