Length of Stay in Hospital
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Eyelid Surgery Turkey Treatment Details:

Eyelid surgery is also called Blepharoplasty. You can think of it as a procedure that is designed to refresh and reinstate the appearance of the eyes by removing loose skin or excess fat from either the upper or lower eyelid. When one age, their eyelid skin tone tends to diminish and lose its elasticity. 

This is where Blepharoplasty comes in.  

It’s important to note that the end goal for eyelid surgery is not to combat aging, but it can also help restore patients’ peripheral vision with bagging or excess skin on their eyelids. 

There are two sophisticated techniques used to perform eyelid surgery today. The first method focuses on the upper eyelid, while the second is meant for the lower eyelid. Although they both rejuvenate the eyes, they have slightly different purposes. Our surgeons can perform these techniques on both male and female patients.

Ideal Candidate for Eyelid Surgery in Turkey

To be considered as a suitable candidate for eyelid surgery, you should have:

  • Saggy or loose upper eyelids skin.
  • Wrinkled eyes.
  • Eyelids with dark spots and puffiness.
  • A good healthy condition.
  • Excess skin in the lower eyelids.
  • Excess fat on the eyelids.

Preparation for the Eyelid Surgery

For the procedure to attain the best possible results, preparations are as important as the surgery itself. Patients are advised to follow these instructions so as to promote better healing after the surgery. Below is a list of guidelines that are a “must” as one prepares for the surgery: 

  • Two weeks prior to the operation, the patient should refrain from smoking. This helps since Tobacco and Nicotine smoke lengthen the healing process.
  • Meds such as Aspirin and Ibuprofen should be avoided together with Vitamin E supplements for at least two weeks before the surgery commences.
  • Eyes should not have direct contact with the sun so as to avoid for at least a week before the surgery. 
  • No eating, drinking (even water) after midnight on the night before the procedure.

How An Eyelid Surgery Is Performed

Luckily, it takes 1 hour or less to perform the male eyelid medical procedure. The patient will most likely return home once the procedure is done since it is performed using a local anesthetic. When performing the lower Blepharoplasty, IV sedation or general anesthesia is needed. It is rarely done during upper eyelid surgery. Depending on the desired results, lower and upper blepharoplasty surgeries are often performed together, and in such instances, IV sedation is a prerequisite. The whole details of this procedure are outlined below:

Upper eyelid surgery: This procedure is usually done to eradicate excess skin that comes with aging or remove fat that may have caused the eyes to be baggy. Incisions are made within the eyelids’ natural creases. Through these incisions, loose/excess skin or even fat are removed. Since eyelid skin is very delicate, extreme caution is exercised during this procedure to avoid scarring. 

Lower eyelid surgery: Unlike upper Blepharoplasty, two different approaches can perform lower eyelid surgery. The first is making an incision inside the lower eyelid and removing the fat that might have accumulated in that region. The second method requires incisions to be made along the lower eyelid lash line, which helps in trimming excess or loose skin. These two methods help improve the tear trough appearance, and they also rejuvenate the lower eyelid.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery Timeline

Recovery after eyelid surgery is fast – this is because the skin around the eyelids quickly heals. But to make the recovery journey fast, the patient will have to wear dark sunglasses for a day or two. That also helps avoid damage from the sun. Stitches made during the surgery will most likely be removed (self-removed) after five or six days. Generally, you won’t feel extreme pain during the recovery process. It can be handled by painkillers that your surgeon will prescribe after the surgery. It will take you a week to go back to work. It is very vital to follow the surgeon’s instructions.

Eyelid Surgery Cost In Turkey

While the eyelid surgery costs are expensive and reserved for the affluent in Western Europe, the U.S. and Canada. But in Turkey, specifically at Luna Clinic, people who travel to Turkey for a Blepharoplasty can save 60% to 70% of the amount they would have spent in their home countries. For International patients, the eyelid surgery cost covers:

  • Surgeon’s fee
  • Hospital or surgical facility costs
  • Anesthesia fees
  • Prescriptions for medication
  • Post-surgery garments
  • Medical tests and x-rays

Eyelid Surgery in Istanbul

Most of the ground-breaking techniques of plastic surgery are found in Turkey. Eyelid surgery in Turkey is one of the most common plastic surgeries performed in the country. The eyelid surgery costs depend on the procedure performed, and they differ from patient to patient. 

At Luna Clinic in Istanbul, our certified surgeons are experienced in Eyelid surgery techniques for both male and female patients. They perform this procedure in such a way that it gives a fresh, rejuvenated male facial structure.

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